collaboration and research team members
Mathematical research entails both individual and collaborative work. I enjoy a large network of collaborators: 36 co-authors from 23 universities in 9 countries so far (see publications).
research team
At our Department we have a Geometry and Numerics team. In addition to myself, the current members are:
Sagy Ephrati (Post-Doc, since 2023) is working on geophysical fluid dynamics (GFD), with an emphasis on methods from matrix hydrodynamics and stochastics.
Michael Roop (PhD student, since 2021) is working with Zeitlin’s model of 2-D hydrodynamics. The aim is to extend the approach, including the accompanying time discretization, to magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) and other fluid models from physics. In February 2024 he defended his licentiate thesis titled Geometric discretization for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics on the sphere.
Erik Jansson (PhD student, since 2020) is working on connections between geometric hydrodynamics and residual neural networks in a project supported by the WASP program. In January 2023 he defended his licentiate thesis titled Geometric discretization in shape analysis.
previous members
Théo Dumont (Internship, summer 2023) visited us from École des Mines de Paris to work on gradient flow problems residing in the connection between optimal transport and geometric hydrodynamics.
Milo Viviani (PhD student, 2015–2020) defended his thesis Symplectic methods for isospectral flows and 2D ideal hydrodynamics in June 2020. For it he recieved the SciCADE New Talent Award. He is currently Assistant Professor at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy.
Geir Bogfjellmo (Post-Doc, 2015–2017) worked on the construction and analysis of splines on symmetric spaces. He is currently Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.